Birth Professionals Development Seminar - Boston MA
I had the privilege of documenting the Birth Professionals Development Seminar and Networking Reception event in Boston Massachusetts. Among the participants and panel there were different birthing professionals and people that work with women who are expecting. We also had an amazing presentation from Melissa Albano-Davis from Grapevine Marketing on how to use Facebook to reach and engage new clients, I learned so much.
Among the amazing panel we had Christina Gebel, MPH, LCCE, Birth Doula from “Dual Love Doula” (also coordinator of this amazing event), Dr. Lisa Geiger, Doctor of Chiropratic at VillageChiro, Bec Conant from Om Births Prenatal Yoga, Raquel Perlis, Physical Therapist specialist in Pelvic Floor, Jeanette Mesite Frem from Babies in Common, Bethany LeClerc and Lyn Swirda, Licensed Acupuncturist.
The panel expressed their experiences being birth workers and how we need to make this profession one that is sustainable for us and our families. Such a great learning experience.
Thanks to Christina for allowing me to be part of this group and I am foreseeing an amazing future for this group!
Hope you enjoy the images of the event!