5 things (maybe a few more) that you NEED during LABOR/BIRTH and Post-Partum!
MUST HAVE’S for Labor, Birth and Post-Partum
**The links used are NOT affiliate, I just thought it was helpful to provide them! <3**
Ok, let’s be honest here!
Pregnancy might be one of the toughest things you do in life. Your body is going through tons of changes not only physical but emotional too. Birth doesn’t stay far behind, it is actually a notch over pregnancy. Sometimes you head into labor without being fully prepared, maybe baby decides to arrive early. I honestly think having bags ready by 34 weeks is a good idea, but then again, it’s up to you.
That said… I think we are always looking what do we need to have ready for a birth. Mind you, to some point this applies to both a hospital birth and a home birth. I feel these things I’ve added are definitely some of the ones you DEFINITELY don’t want to forget. Besides your important documents of course.
I reached out to a local MetroWest Group as well as mom’s that follow me on my Facebook Page for some tips in regards to what things we all need to have during labor and birth. Some gave me tons of ideas for Post-Partum too so I thought I would add them. Honestly these are all amazing, and I added a few of my own that I thought are MUST-HAVE’S!
1. DOULA!!! Yes, please!
This was one that I had to add, and I feel is a MUST HAVE for all birthing people. Now, sadly, you can’t put a doula in a bag, but you surely can bring them with you. Best part of all is that they usually help with letting you know what things to bring, what to leave at home and sometimes they have their own goodies they bring with them. I have tons of Doulas in my Motherhood Resources. I’ve worked with numerous doulas in the Boston area, but if I had to recommend one it would be Lindsay Wolff from Birthing Matters Doula Services. Lindsay is a wealth of knowledge and evidence based information when it comes to her recommendations during birth.
2. Lipbalm
Oh man is this needed. If you are giving birth at the hospital, usually the air is super dry and your lips suffer so much. In addition to that, you might not be able to tolerate tons of fluids which automatically gets you dehydrated. Have one nearby not only for you but also for your partner. They will appreciate it.
3. Cute Robe, hair ties and socks
Ok, this one is mostly for the cuteness. I love cute robes and feel they are needed to feel nice and comfortable during labor (side note: you DON’T have to labor in the hospital gowns, trust me, YOUDON’T!). They are also amazing for immediate skin to skin after birth because they open in the front. You might also want one for after birth, especially if you want to take those cute announcing pictures. Socks are also a must have, not only the ones that are slip resistant, but ones that are warm. Hair Ties and stuff for the hair are good to have for birth, but also for post-partum. I’ve had clients who are fixing their hair during labor, you might (might not) be like them haha!
4. Snacks and Drinks
We all know the hospitals give snacks and drinks (if you are able to tolerate ate and not contraindicated, right?) but what better that having the snacks you love, the drinks that you can’t live without. Coconut water is super good during labor as well as power bars. You need all the strength and power for this amazing moment in your life. Plus, your husband will be able to snack on them too.
5. Things to make the room look a bit homier
I think this is so important if you are giving birth at the hospital. Hospital rooms tend to be, well, a medical room. Not homie at all. Cable, monitors and basically a boring room (lol). Bring some stuff from your home to make the room nicer, where you feel more comfortable in giving birth. Bring birth affirmations, bring photos that are important to you. If you want you can bring a favorite blanket or pillow, but please know that it might get damaged or lost in the process.
Honorable Mention: Oil Diffuser
This one might not apply to everyone, but essential oils are super helpful during birth, especially lavender essential oil and/or peppermint oil. It is not only helpful for relaxing but can also help with labor pains. Always let your providers know during birth you plan on using essential oils, if you plan to do so.
Have you ever heard of this one? I’m sure you have for weddings or even the ones you get at a hotel. Well, these are most certainly good not only during Post-Partum, but also during birth! There are some that you can use on the door know and some you can hang on the actual door. What better than to not get interrupted during labor or when you are resting after birth. Click here to see one I found on Etsy, you can also find some personalized ones or you can just use your printer and create you own. It’s also a nice and gentle *HINT* to nurses and staff. Don’t you think?
2. Nursing friendly clothes
If you are not planning to breastfeed then this won’t apply to you. But if you are, having comfortable cami’s that are nursing friendly are super helpful! That way you don’t need to be fighting with your clothes. Keep it comfortable too, even if you have people visiting. There are nice dresses that open in the front (not necessarily marketed for nursing) but they do the job. A robe also works great while you are at the hospital and even at home. Commodity over everything!
3. Loose Shoes
I think these are so important… during labor and birth you might get fluids which usually make you get swollen. You will want to have some comfortable and loose shoes that will allow you to wear them with ease. If you’ve been a bit swollen during pregnancy, then I’m sure you already have your preferred one (I know I did lol).
5. Baby Items: Wash, Hat, Breastfeeding Pillow, Haakaa (or breastfeeding pump just in case) and of course Cute Outfits
The hospital always gives you some of these things but if you have preferred brands I would recommend you to bring them with you. If you plan to bathe your baby in the hospital, probably the wash you want to use. I honestly think you should leave the baby without bathing for a few days. The vernix they are born with (if they had it) is super helpful for their skin and protects their skin!
The hospital gives a cute hat, but if you want a specific one, remember to add it, at the beginning you definitely want to keep their bodies want with skin-to-skin and the little hat allows to keep their bodies warm.
If you plan to nurse, having a nursing pillow might be helpful, especially if you end up having a long stay at the hospital.
You might want to have a Breast Pump nearby just in case you need to pump, although some hospitals provide you with one during your stay, completely up to you. The goal if you plan to nurse is to have baby on the chest as much as needed, but if for some reason that is not possible or there are complications, having a pump is super helpful to keep supply up.
Last but not least, the little outfits for the little one! We all know about this one haha. You’ll want to bring onesies (the ones that open in the front are THEBOMB.COM) and one specific outfit to head on home.
Honorable Mention: Adult Diapers are life
Alright, we talked about the good and now lets talk about the nasties… People, Post-Partum is no joke. Your body is STILL going through a lot of changes. I remember I was recommended with my first Maternity Pads, but no, go ahead and get some big ol’ adult diapers, you won’t regret it. It’s like underwear with a pad. There are some nice options too for when the flow is lighter that are basically underwear that are water resistant, here is one that I found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N1PRFLE.