Baby Boy J and his sweet Parents - Boston Newborn Lifestyle Photographer
I love meeting new families and new babies. It always surprises me how different all babies can be, some can be the calmest babies, others can be the one's that are more squirmy, but they are all teeny tiny babies.
I met Mr. J and his sweet parents Lindsay and Josh through another of my clients (Thanks Sara you are the cutest- see Sara's and Michael's Newborn Session here). I arrived to their beautiful home and Josh welcomed me and helped me get my stuff into the livingroom. It seemed to quite and calmed for a home with a newborn. I was impressed.
Lindsay was in a room getting baby J full with mommy milk to get him ready for the session, but Mr. J had his own plans hehe. We tried getting him asleep at the beginning of the session but he was not interested. We decided to start with some family shots of them all together and enjoy that the little one was with wide open eyes.
A while later he wanted to eat a bit more and during the feeding he fell asleep... GOAL! We wrapped him a bit afterwards but he woke up. Daddy took him in his arms and swaddled him nice and tight and baby dozed off into a deep sleep. We were able to take a few snaps of the little one alone and asleep <3.
Such a handsome baby boy! Hope you all love his images as much as I did!