I was you once! I get it!

You are working hard, your body is going through so many changes, and now… NOW you need to find support and a photographer (among many other things) for this AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL time in your life…

That’s What I’m here for!

HELLO!!! I’m Shirley!!!

Thank you for wanting to learn a little about me! One of the biggest things that I enjoy in my business is being able to support parents in their journey into parenthood.

Fun Facts:

  • I talk a lot

  • Coffee is life

  • I live in yoga pants

  • I overuse Emoji’s and GIF’s

  • It’s easy for me to make people laugh.

  • I was a Social Worker for a few years

  • I am trained as a Birth and Postpartum Doula

Read more below…

I really want you to know who you will be working with IF YOU DECIDE to allow me into your life to support you and document it.

Here I GO!

As you might imagine, I am a mom of 2 boys and a Fur-Baby named Lily. I am a food enthusiast and people would generally say I am a β€œbubbly” person.

I do photography and doula work because after working in the Social Work field, I wanted to connect with people and help, but in a different way. I feel I get to help parents in their new journey not just by documenting their stories and debriefing their experiences but also by supporting them through their birth experience and supporting them through the postpartum period.

And, Oh my, do I know the need for these types of images!

Since I missed those first seconds/hours of life with my oldest, I feel everyone should have theirs photographed. Now that they are a bit older I understand how VALUABLE photography is and that those times, sadly, FLY BY AND WILL NEVER COME BACK :(.


Look around at my work and my services. Feel free to let me know if you think we are a good match, if we are… LET”S CREATE SOME HISTORY AND ART TOGETHER!



 Things I LOVE



coffee (yas!) and the hubby lol


My family

(Image by Lindsay Burgess Photography)


Lola and Lily

(Our Sweet Lola passed away on 11/23)




Favorite Quote!

Photography takes a instant out of time, altering life, by holding it STILL
— Dorothea Lange